Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022

The Islington Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) looks at the current provision of pharmacies in Islington and how well they meet the needs of residents. It includes information on each of the pharmacies in the borough, including their opening hours and the types of services they offer.

The PNA was produced in partnership with the Islington Council, Healthwatch, North Central London Integrated Care Board and the Local Pharmaceutical Committee, on behalf of the Islington Health and Wellbeing Board. The PNA looked at multiple sources across different areas in Islington, including the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, demographic and health needs data, mapping of services and access, as well as questionnaires responses from the public, pharmacies and commissioners. These sources were reviewed to consider whether people in Islington have appropriate and accessible access to essential pharmaceutical services. Based on the evidence examined, the latest PNA identified no current or future gaps in the provision of necessary pharmaceutical services in Islington.

This PNA will enable local pharmacies and commissioners to:

    • understand the pharmaceutical needs of Islington residents
    • gain a clearer picture of pharmaceutical services currently provided
    • make appropriate decisions on applications for NHS pharmacy contracts
    • commission appropriate and accessible services from community pharmacies
    • clearly identify and address any local gaps in pharmaceutical services
    • target services to reduce health inequalities with local health communities.

Read the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022